Healthy New Year Resolutions
Health related New Year resolution are popular amongst men and women all around the world. Here are some most sought after and also the most advisable healthy New Year Resolutions for both men and women. Also included in the article are “healthy New Year’s Resolutions for happy love life” to help bring more joy and warmth in the relationship you share with your partner. But please don’t just read and get inspired, take action also!!

Healthy New Year’s Resolutions for Women
Here are some healthy New Year’s resolution ideas for women who want to stay healthy and happy in the coming year. Women, please take inspiration from these ideas and work out a health and happiness regime that works best for you.
I will Go for Regular Exercise…
With obesity rising and health issues becoming a matter of concern, this is perhaps the most popular New Year Resolution made by women across the globe. However, it has been noticed that many women fail to carry on with their noble intentions. The reason being that many women keep high targets for themselves. Hence they often get discouraged if they do not see the expected results in as early as a weeks’ or a months’ time. Experts feel that women should make realistic achievable goals for themselves and should remain consistent with their exercise plan. Those who do not find enough time to hit the gym or take up regular exercising should make minor changes in their lifestyles. For instance using stairs instead of lifts or walking a little bit further in the parking lot.
I will Take a Proper Balanced Diet…
It has been noticed that young women are so much obsessive about being thin that they often starve themselves. On the other hand, older women ignore their diet while taking care of their family, official and social obligations. Experts feel that instead of deprivation one should practice moderation in their diet. One should avoid skipping meals and at the same time should not overindulge themselves. So all you women change your unhealthy food habit and this New Year make a resolution of eating a proper balanced meal.
I will Stay Happier…
In their daily juggle to take care of home, family and office women often ignore taking care of themselves. Besides, they often get frustrated as they feel short of their own expectations. Experts advice for women would be to start taking care of themselves and spend some time in their own upkeep. Women should resolve to develop a positive attitude and become more happier in the coming year.
I will Take Regular Health Check-Ups…
Women have on them he responsibility of the health of their entire family, hence they should take extra care of themselves. A good New Year resolution idea would be to take regular health check ups and screen themselves against potential health concerns.
Healthy New Year’s Resolutions for Men
Here are some healthy New Year’s Resolution ideas for men eager to improve the quality of their life. Come on get inspired, make some healthy resolutions and work on them.
I will Get Fit…
This is one of the most popular and most important of all New Year Resolutions. Experts feel that men must understand their problem area and then work accordingly with their personal trainer.
I will Eat Healthy…
To stay fit one must follow good diet coupled with good exercise regimen. Health experts says that overindulgence in any kind of food should be avoided. More so if one is addicted to heavy and junk food. Stress should be laid on eating balanced meals inclusive of fruits, vegetables and dairy products.
I will Visit the Doctor…
It has been noticed that men often ignore their health and avoid visiting doctor even when they know they need to do so. This is because men are nurtured to consider themselves as providers, caregivers and strong. Experts feel that health should not be avoided and a visit to the doctor should not be procrastination. So go ahead and make a New Year’s resolution of visiting your doctor just when you need to. A good idea would to to take regular health check ups and screen yourself for potential health ailments.
I will Quit Smoking / Drinking… This is perhaps the most popular New Year resolution made by men. However, most men give up the idea a week after New Year’s day. But nevertheless, one should go ahead with this resolution with renewed passion. Experts feel that one should team this resolution with a concrete plan. Special medication course or smoking cessation program should be thought of to get rid of this unhealthy habit once and for all. I will De-Stress Myself…
In this modern day life, everyone leads a stressful life. This New Year make a resolution to ease tension in your life and spend more time with your dear ones. Take frequent well utilized breaks from work and spend time on your hobbies. If stress is becoming too much to handle don’t hesitate to ask for help from your dear ones or seek expert counseling.
Healthy New Year Resolutions for Happy Love Life
This New Year resolve to come closer to your partner / spouse by actively working on your relationship and making it more worthwhile! In case you like the idea but do not have clear picture of how to go about it here are some New Year Resolution tips on building a happy love life, just for you.
I will Spend More Time with My Partner…
Remember one constantly needs to work on relationship to build it stronger. This New Year resolve to spend more time with your partner. Go out for trips, watch movies or simply walk in the park holding hands. Besides, take time out each day, especially at the beginning and end of the day for your partner and make him/her feel special. This helps to reinforce love for each other and fortifies relationships.
I will Listen to My Partner…
Being understanding and listening to one’s partner help couples bond better. This is especially important when your partner is upset. Listening attentively helps your partner feel cared for. Besides it gives you a better understanding of the problem and hence helps in finding a solution. Make eye-contacts with your partner when he/she is speaking and switch off the TV/Radio to give your partner your undivided attention. This small gesture will help you get closer to your partner and reduce stress in relationship.
I will Focus on the Positive Aspects of Relationship…
Get over your habit of finding faults in your partner and focus on his/her positive sides. This will help to strengthen the relationship you share with your partner.
I will Stop Complaining…
Constant nagging and complaining build up tension in relationship. If you have a problem with your partner’s habit explain gently. Sprinkle criticism with a heavy dose of appreciation. This will motivate your partner to please you and ease stress in your love life.
I Resolve to Touch More Often…
This one aspect is extremely important for building a strong relationship. Surprise your partner with a gentle hug or a kiss and make him/her feel loved. Experts feel that healthy physical communication between partners relieves tension and builds stronger relationships.